
Canada is a feast for the senses.

It's fragrant with the ancient timber of its forests, and the salt of the oceans caressing its long shores.

It's delicious in its multicultural cuisine, where native food based on the plentiful resources of the country is now mixed with recipe imports from all over the world, sometimes even further perfected by its large immigrant population.

To the eye, Canada is humbling in the majestic size of its landscapes and wildlife, and colourful in the bright red and turquoise of the enchanting art of its First Nations people, the vibrant blues of its lakes, the warm gold of forests in fall.

It has the sound of waves crashing, branches crackling underfoot, and eagles screeching, but also of bustling cities and lively towns.

And while it will often make you shake in its record-low winter temperatures, it will also make you sweat in its inland scorching hot summers.

And finally, Canada will also delight your feelings by giving you down to earth, easy-going, generous people that have learned to deal with and respect their country's still prevalent wild soul. In fact, it’s as if every Canadian carried some of that wilderness inside.

Sometimes I wish I was half as cool as a Canadian.
At least I made do by marrying one!

Stay tuned for some handy guides on Canada, including but not limited to:
- Practical guide on how to get around in Canada in winter
- Prettiest towns in British Columbia
- Great things to do in Vancouver, BC
- Short hikes in Bowen Island, BC

Posts on Canada