
Does Italy really need an introduction?

In the travel world, my country is like that iconic celebrity that everyone knows and wishes they had met in person.

And for good reason.

She has jaw-dropping natural beauty that ranges from stunning mountains to jewel-like seas, from cultivated hills punctuated by hilltop villages to awe-inspiring active volcanoes; a rich and fascinating history that has produced the incredible kaleidoscope of her culture; the most generous land that yields the best food and wine in the world (yes, you bet I think that); and most of all people that through the millennia have perfected the art of the good life.

Calling Italy my Motherland is a privilege and a curse: when your first life impressions were formed in this country, it can be hard to fall in love with any other place.

But I am grateful my nomadic life took me away from her: absence made my heart grow even fonder.

I can now travel around Italy with a deeper understanding of those that were not born there, but I am also appreciative of the little things that some Italians may take for granted. If I can help you feel the same when you visit, I will have paid the highest tribute to my Italia.

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