Should you go on a husky sled ride?
Finland, Europe, Finland line 3, Lapland Elena Craparotta Finland, Europe, Finland line 3, Lapland Elena Craparotta

Should you go on a husky sled ride?

You come across a video of a team of fluffy and enthusiastic huskies pulling a sled across some pristine snowy wilderness, white trees passing by at full speed on both sides, and the golden glow of the low sun giving the whole scene a dreamy quality. If that scene moves something deep inside of you, you’re not alone.
Many of us dream of experiencing that deep connection with a creature we love. However, with that dream should also come a few uncomfortable questions. We should all wonder if it’s ethically ok to enjoy a day out while these guys do all the hard work.

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An introduction to Finland
Europe, Finland, Finland line 3 Elena Craparotta Europe, Finland, Finland line 3 Elena Craparotta

An introduction to Finland

If you want to know how it feels to visit Finland and want to discover where the magic of this country lies, this article is for you. It is in its quiet and unpretentious essence that resides the magic of Finland’s nature. Its deep calm makes its way inside of you as your breathing slows down, your chest expands, and the creases of your forehead smoothen. The Finns know it better than anyone else. You will find them out there most of the summer, and you will also see them outside during the long, harsh winters, cross-country skiing in one of Finland’s 41 national parks or even just to go to the next town.

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