Is Burgundy worth visiting if you are not into wine?
Europe, France line 1, France, Burgundy Elena Craparotta Europe, France line 1, France, Burgundy Elena Craparotta

Is Burgundy worth visiting if you are not into wine?

As my trip to Burgundy approached, I grew quietly worried that perhaps Burgundy wasn’t where I would have ‘chosen’ to go after all. Why? Because I had always assumed that Burgundy was all about one thing: wine. And, despite enjoying the occasional glass with a nice meal, my knowledge of wine is amateurish at best.
However, in less than three weeks Burgundy won me over completely. I arrived a hesitant, slightly sceptical visitor, and left a staunch supporter of everything Burgundian. Yes, it is that easy to fall in love with this region.
So, if you think Burgundy isn’t for you because you are not passionate enough about wine to plan a trip around it, please read this article and allow me to explain why this part of France might be just the place for you too.

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